
Goban Goban Help

Print Previewing


Getting started

Goban creates PDF files from games using sgf2tex, a Go typesetting software by Daniel Bump and Reid Augustin; and pdftex, a program to create PDF files from TeX files. sgf2tex is bundled with Goban, but you need to install TeX on your Macintosh in order to produce the diagrams.

Goban has only been tested with Gerben Wierda's distribution of TeX. Please go to the TeX on Mac OS X page and follow the installation instructions there. Only the TeX Foundation and TeX Programs i-Packages are required for Goban.

Print Preview

Once TeX has been installed on your Macintosh, the Print Preview command should be available. The generated PDF file will be opened by your default PDF application, for instance Print Preview.

Customizing the output

There is no user friendly dialog to customize the output of PrintPreview. However, sgf2tex has many options to do so. In order to change the defaults used by Goban, you will have to use Terminal and type a line like the following:

defaults write ch.sente.Goban PrintPreviewArguments "-longComments -m 10"

This has the effect of allowing comments to overlap page breaks, and sets the number of moves per diagram to 10. By default, Goban only uses the -longComment option. The full sgf2tex options are listed below. Note that the -i and -o options are reserved for Goban, and that since the output is further processed to generate PDF, some of these options are useless.

sgf2tex [options] [file.sgf]

    -h | -help                print this message and exit
    -v | -version             print version number and exit
    -i | -in                  input file name (STDIN for standard input)
    -o | -out                 output file name (STDOUT for standard output)
    -t | -top                 top line in diagram
    -b | -bottom              bottom line in diagram
    -l | -left                leftmost line in diagram
    -r | -right               rightmost line in diagram
    -break | -breakList       a list of first move in each diagram
    -m | -movesPerDiagram     number of moves per diagram
    -d | -doubleDigits        label stones modulo 100
    -n | -newNumbers          begin each diagram with number 1
    -rv | -relativeVarNums    start each variation from 1
    -av | -absoluteVarNums    move numbers in variation == main line numbers
    -cv | -correlativeVarNums start main variations from 1 
    -rl | -repeatLast         repeat last move as first in next diagram
    -il | -ignoreLetters      ignore SGF letters
    -im | -ignoreMarks        ignore SGF marks
    -iv | -ignoreVariations   ignore SGF variations
    -ip | -ignorePass         ignore SGF pass moves
    -ia | -ignoreAll          ignore SGF letters, marks, variations, and passes
    -firstDiagram             first diagram to print
    -lastDiagram              last diagram to print
    -longComments             allow page breaks in comments
    -simple                   use a very simple TeX format
    -coords                   print coordinates
    -twoColumn                use two-column format
    -bigFonts                 use fonts magnified 1.2 times
    -texComments              \, { and } in comments not modified
    -gap                      gap in points between diagrams (default: 12)
     The -i and -o options are not needed with normal usage:
             sgf2tex [options] name
 is equivalent to:
             sgf2tex [options] -i name -o name.tex 
 or          sgf2tex [options] -i name.sgf -o name.tex

     The breakList consists of a comma-separated list of numbers (NO
 spaces). Each number will be the last move in one diagram.
 -movesPerDiagram sets an upper limit on the number of moves per
 diagram. The default movesPerDiagram is 50 unless a breakList
 (without -movesPerDiagram) is set, in which case movesPerDiagram is
 set to a very large number. -breakList and -movesPerDiagram may be

     -doubleDigits and -newNumbers are alternative schemes for avoiding
 large numerals.  -doubleDigits limits stone numbers to be between 1 and 100.
 Stone number 101 prints as 1.  -newNumbers causes each diagram to start with
 number 1.

     By default, variation diagrams start with stone number 1
 (-relativeVarNums).  Alternatively, variation numbers can be the same
 as the numbers in the main diagram (-absoluteVarNums) or they can start
 from 1 at the beginning of each variation tree (-correlativeVarNums).

     -longComments implements more elaborate TeX to allow page breaks
 in the comments. Use this if comments are very extensive. It cannot
 be used with -simple or -twoColumn.

     -simple uses a very simple TeX format. This option may be useful
 if you intend to edit the resulting TeX file by hand. -longComments
 and -simple should not be used together.

      -twoColumn uses a two-column format with small fonts. This cannot 
 be used with -coords or -longComments.

      -coords prints a coordinate grid. It cannot be used with

      -texComments is appropriate if your sgf comments contain TeX.
 If this option is NOT used, \ { and } are replaced by /, [ and ]
 since these characters are not available in TeX roman fonts. If
 this -texComments is used, this change is not made so you can
 put code to {\bf change fonts} in your comments.


sgf2tex is the work of Daniel Bump and Reid Augustin, and is distributed under the GNU Public license library. The source code for sgf2tex is available here.

Copyright (c) 1997-2004, Sen:te (Sente SA). All rights reserved.