Goban. Play Go on Mac
Use Goban to play the game of go against the program. Play with people on the Internet go servers or your local network. Observe live pro and amateur games on IGS, the Internet Go Server. Review and analyze games. Browse through joseki or fuseki libraries… Goban is a powerful, simple, fast and elegant go board for Mac.

Gennan Inseki vs Honinbo Shusaku
- Play against Pachi, a strong go playing program (free extension required, see below.)
- Play against opponents on the Internet go server
- Play against GNU Go, a go playing program (free extension required)
- Play against opponents on your local network (free extension required)
- Open, edit and save standard SGF files
- Handle efficiently large SGF files, game collections or joseki/fuseki variation trees.
- Supports the Go Modem Protocol and the Go Text Protocol
- Japanese rules
- Automatic Scoring
- Simultaneous games
- Resizable board
- Undo/redo moves
- One color go
Goban Extensions
To play go against your computer, or against an opponent on your local network you need to download and install Goban Extensions.